Our mission at Musikal Husky is to develop, create, and publish effective, progressive, and beautiful music education materials for teachers and students around the world.
Along with our core team that develops, produces and distributes the materials, the International Artistic Advisory Board and MH Contributors provide valuable insight and feedback, ensuring that our products are not only the most beautiful on the market, but also the most effective.
All products are ethically produced and printed in the EU.
Samantha Steitz, CEO: pedagogue, teacher, classical pianist
Steve Aho, CFO: percussionist, arranger, producer, notation expert
Stephanie DeLancey, Creative Director: designer, writer, mom of two musical children
Art Direction
Maggie Chiang: illustrator, designer, part-time dreamer
Leika: 4-year-old singing husky; our muse
Valerie Maltseva: photographer
2019 International Artistic Advisory Board
John Best
Caroline Campbell
Diana Galindo
Hao Huang
Marina Obukovsky
Jonathan Ovalle
Stephen Pierce
Betty Trobisch